
Welcome to the homepage of "3 - 2 - 1 - Go!", the game that will for ever change the way you look at your hands!

"3 - 2 - 1 - Go!" is a webcam based implementation of perhaps THE most well known social game in the world. The game has as many names as there are languages in the world; "Snick, snack, snuck", "Sten, sax, påse" and "Rock, paper, scissors" are just some of them.

The rules of the game are simple. The players stands facing each other with one of their hands each made as a fist held out. They move the hands, mirroring eachothers movements, up and down while counting down from three. On go the player chooses one of the three different options. Rock beats scissors, scissors beat paper and paper beats rock.

Even more information about the game can be found on this wikipage.

There are no limits to how long the game can be played. It stays fun for hours and hours. However, there are times when opponents are hard to find and it is then that "3 - 2 - 1 - Go!" becomes invaluable. Just set up your webcamera following the instructions on the documentation page, start the game and enjoy. "3 - 2 - 1 - Go!" offers a computer opponent that learns during the game*, making the gaming experience so real and stimulating you will never want to stop. Also, as an added bonus a two-player game mode has been implemented to highten the experience when you have your usual game partner available.

A never ending source of entertainment is waiting just a click away so visit the download section and get your free copy of "3 - 2 - 1 - Go!" NOW!

* Only available in ultra-deluxe version.
