Smart Systems


The CVWW 2009 will be held in Eibiswald in Austria at Hasewend's "Kirchenwirt".

Address (see in Google Maps, open local map system (more Info, German) ):

Eibiswald 39
8552 Eibiswald

Directions to Eibiswald

By plane:

  • to Vienna airport:
    - take the S7 train to the Vienna south station (Südbahnhof)
    - trains going every 30 minutes
    - take train direction Wies-Eibiswald (see "By train" below)
  • to Graz airport:
    - take the S5 train to Graz central station (Hauptbahnhof)
    - trains going approximately every 30 minutes
    - take train direction Wies-Eibiswald (see "By train" below)

By train (see for details):

  • from Vienna south station (Südbahnhof):
    - take train to Graz central station (Hauptbahnhof)
    - trains are leaving from Vienna south station at least every hour
    - take train S6 from Graz central station to Wies-Eibiswald (see below)
  • from Graz central station (Hauptbahnhof):
    - take train S6 from Graz central station to Wies-Eibiswald (see below)
    - trains are leaving from Graz at least once per hour

        from Wies-Eibiswald to CVWW 2009:
        - take bus from Wies-Eibiswald train station to Eibiswald post office
        - buses are leaving approximately every 40 minutes 

By car:
Directions to Eibiswald.


Hasewend's Kirchenwirt from the outside:

Hasewend's Kirchenwirt outside

Here you will find the registration:

Registration far away

Registration near

Registration inside:

Registration indoor

