CTIC 2020
8th International Workshop on
Computational Topology in Image Context
May 27 - May 29, 2020

Invited Speakers

Gilles Bertrand

Gilles Bertrand
ESIEE Paris, France


Gilles Bertrand received his Ingénieur's degree from the Ecole Centrale des Arts et Manufactures in 1976. Until 1981, he was with the Thomson-CSF company where he designed image processing systems for aeronautical applications. He received his Ph.D from the Ecole Centrale in 1986. Since 1981, he is teaching and doing research with the Computer Science Department of ESIEE-Paris and with the Laboratoire d'Informatique Gaspard-Monge (LIGM) of Université Paris-Est. His research interests are digital and combinatorial topology, mathematical morphology, image analysis.

Gilles Bertrand

Patrizio Frosini
University of Bologna, Italy


Patrizio Frosini received the PhD degree in Mathematics from the University of Florence in 1991. Since 1993, he has been a researcher in the Faculty of Engineering (now School of Engineering and Architecture) at the University of Bologna. His research interests include the study of 1) group-equivariant non-expansive operators for topological data analysis and machine learning, 2) persistent topology and homology, 3) geometrical-topological methods for shape comparison and 4) the natural pseudo-distance, i.e. the metric comparison of real-valued functions defined on a manifold, with respect to a given invariance group.