To stress the character of a workshop we plan to organize small working groups
in addition to the plenary sessions where topics of actual research and
work in progress can be discussed.
Workshop Schedule
Sunday Evening, February 3
Monday, February 4
(9:00 - 10:30) Session: Projection (Chair: R. Sablatnig)
(9:00-9:30) Welcoming
(9:30-10:00) Structure from Perspective Images with Occlusions,
D. Martinec, T. Pajdla
(10:00-10:30) Correspondence from Epipolar Plane Images, Experimental
M. Matousek, V. Hlavac
(10:30-11:00) Coffee Break
(11:00 - 12:30) Session: Graphs (Chair: P. Lienhardt)
(11:00-11:30) Spectral Embedding of Graphs,
B.Luo, R. C. Wilson, E. Hancock
(11:30-12:00) Reduction Factors in Graph Pyramids,
Y. Haximusa, R. Glantz, M. Saib, G. Langs, W. G. Kropatsch
(12:00-12:30) Feature Extraction using an Iterative Scheme within a
Hierachical Framework,
M. Melki, J. M. Jolion
(12:30-14:30) Lunch Break
(14:30 - 16:00) Session: Modelling (Chair: T. Pajdla)
(14:30-15:00) Randomized RANSAC,
J. Matas, O. Chum
(15:00-15:30) A Layered Parametric Fitting Method for Sparse Data,
D. Beresford, A. Hilton
(15:30-16:00) Superellipsoids Gaining Momentum,
A. Jaklic, F. Solina
(16:00-16:30) Coffee Break
(16:30 - 18:00) Session: Optimization (Chair: J. Kittler)
(16:30-17:00) Kernel Representation of the Kesler Construction for Multiclass SVM, V. Franc, V. Hlavac
(17:00-17:30) A Gradient Eigenspaces for Robust Recognition,
H. Wildenauer, T. Melzer
(17:30-18:00) An Improved Energy Minimization dor Deformable Templates,
A. Scaggiante, M. Zampato, S. Dal Bello, G. Marchiori
Tuesday, February 5
(9:00 - 10:30) Session: 3D (Chair: V. Hlavac)
(9:00-9:30) On Combining Shape from Silhouette and Shape from Structured Light, S. Tosovic, R. Sablatnig, M. Kampel
(9:30-10:00) Illumination Insensitive Eigenspaces for Mobile Robot Localization,
M. Jogan, H. Wildenauer, A. Leonardis, H, Bischof
(10:00-10:30) Retrieving and Using Topological Characteristics from 3D Discrete Images,
P. Desbarats, J.-P. Domenger
(10:30-11:00) Coffee Break
(11:00 - 12:30) Session: Matching - Filters (Chair: M. Pelillo)
(11:00-11:30) Stable Matching based on Disparity Components,
J. Kostkova, R. Sara
(11:30-12:00) Matching Hierarchies of Segmentation,
R. Glantz, M. Pelillo, W. G. Kropatsch
(12:00-12:30) Improved Directional Distance Filters,
R. Lukac
(12:30-14:30) Lunch Break
(18:00) Social Event - Excursion to the famous Fischerhütte
Departure: 18:00
Wednesday, February 6
(9:00 - 10:30) Segmentation (Chair: L. Brun)
(9:00-9:30) Statistical Model-based Segmentation of Articulated Structures, R. Bernard, B. Likar, F. Pernus
(9:30-10:00) Segmentation-based Correction of Spectral Inhomogeneities in Color Images,
J. Derganc, B. Likar, F. Pernus
(10:00-10:30) What space can be reconstructed by using multiple catadioptric images?,
P. Doubek, T. Svoboda
(10:30-11:00) Coffee Break
(11:00 - 12:30) Session: Topological Representations (Chair: A. Braquelaire)
(11:00-11:30) Defining Regions within the Combinatorial Pyramid Framework,
L. Brun, W. G. Kropatsch
(11:30-12:00) Removal and Contraction in n-dimensional Generalized Maps,
G. Damiand, P. Lienhardt
(12:00-12:30) Equivalence between Order and Cell Complex Representations,
S. Alayrangues, J.-O. Lachaud
(12:30-14:30) Lunch Break
(14:30 - 16:00) Working Groups (Proposed Topics)
Topological Representations
Joint Proposals
(19:30) Social Event - Styrian Banquet
Thursday, February 7
(9:00 - 10:30) Session: Color (Chair: A. Leonardis)
(9:00-9:30) The Taming of the Hue, Saturation, and Brightness Colour Space,
A. Hanbury
(9:30-10:00) Color-based Pruning of Model Hypotheses for Efficient ARG Object Recognition,
A. Ahmadyfard, J. Kittler, D. Kourbaroulis
(10:00-10:30) A General Algorithm for finding Translations alonge Lines in Colored Images,
F. von Hundelshausen, R. Rojas
(10:30-11:00) Coffee Break
(11:00 - 12:30) Session: Wide Angle Vision (Chair: F. Pernus)
(11:00-11:30) Combined Talk: 360x360 Mosaic with Partially Uncalibrated 1D Omnidirectional Camera and Calibration of a Fish Eye Lense with Field of View larger than 180 degrees,
H. Bakstein, T. Pajdla
(11:30-12:00) Nonparametric, Model-based Radial Lense Distortion Correction using Tilted Camera Assumption,
J. Pers, S. Kovacic
(12:00-12:30) Rotational Invariants for Wide-baseline Stereo,
J. Matas, P. Bilek, O. Chum
(12:30-14:30) Lunch Break
(14:30 - 16:00) Session: Applications (Chair: H. Wildenauer)
(14:30-15:00) Estimation of Temporomandibular Joint Position,
V. Smutny, J. Chech, R. Sara, T. Dostalova
(15:00-15:30) Evaluating Error of Homography,
O. Chum, T. Pajdla
(15:30-16:00) Experiments on High resolution Images towards Outdoor Scene,
A. Monadjemi, B. T. Thomas, M. Mirmehdi
(16:00-16:30) Coffee Break
(16:30 - 18:00) Summary & Reports (W. G. Kropatsch)