Local Information


Summer School Venue

The school venue is the Technische Universität Wien, Favoritenstraße 9-11, A-1040 Wien, which is near the subway station "Taubstummengasse". If arriving by subway please leave the Underground station at exit "Taubstummengasse". When you enter Favoritenstraße 9-11, take the elevators or stairs to the 4th floor and go to the yellow section of the building. The registration and school takes place in the seminar room 183/2 ("Seminarraum 183/2") see: http://www.wegweiser.ac.at/ww5/static/plaene/pdf/E_UP.pdf. and http://www.wegweiser.ac.at/static/plaene/pdf/E_Favoritenstr.pdf

How to reach Favoritenstraße

The best way to travel in vienna is by public transport, see http://progs.wiennet.at/addedvalue/f4000_wienerlinien/f000_AVContent.asp?KID=221&HID=480 for details.

Useful Links

  Last modified: April 25, 2008 by ConfAdmin