Prospective authors are invited to contribute to the
workshop by submitting an extended summary of no more than 4 pages
including illustrations, results and references. Summaries longer than
4 pages will be rejected without review! Please use the AAPR-LaTeX
style for document available at:
Word user please use the sample file available at:
In addition to the manuscript, the submission should
include a summary page with title, author's name, affiliation and
address, telephone, fax and e-mail, up to three keywords and answers
to the following questions (please answer each separately):
- What is the original contribution of this work?
- Why should this contribution be considered important?
- What is the most closely related work by others and how does this work differ?
- How can other researchers make use of the results of this work?
- Has this work been presented/submitted elsewhere?
- Which form of presentation is preferred: Oral or Poster?
Please send 4 copies of your (printed) paper to the conference chair and assure the timely arrival:
Robert Sablatnig
Institute of Computer Aided Automation
Vienna University of Technology
Favoritenstr. 9/1832
A-1040 Vienna, Austria
Submission may also be accomplished by:
e-mail: Compressed postscript file to
ftp: user:oeagm passwd:2000
put <AuthorName>.ps.Z/<AuthorName>
put <AuthorName><AuthorName>
or alternatively:
put <AuthorName>.zip containing summary and paper in Postscript