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List of Software

Usage notice

Pyramid Solution of Travelling Salesman Problem (TSP)

This tool allows to solve the Traveling Salesman problem in a coarse to fine strategy.

  1. Approximating TSP by MST based Graph Pyramid.
    Y. Haxhimusa, W. G. Kropatsch, Z. Pizlo, A. Ion, and A. Lehrbaum.
    In the International Graph-based Representation for Pattern Recognition Workshop, June 2007, Alicante, Spain. [paper]

  2. Traveling Salesman Problem: a Foveating Pyramid Model.
    Z. Pizlo, E. Stefanov, J. Saalweachter, Z. Li, Y. Haxhimusa and W. G. Kropatsch
    Journal of Problem Solving, 1(1):83--101, October 2006. Purdue University Press. [paper]

  3. MST based Pyramid Model of TSP.
    W. G. Kropatsch, Y. Haxhimusa, and Zygmunt Pizlo.
    In the 39th Annual Meeting of Mathematical Psychology , August 2006, Vancouver, Canada. [abstract] [paper]

Tool to work with

A demostration of the MST solution strategy in solving the TSP.

Start the demostration or Start the application. In order for the program to start you need to install Java Web Start, if the application does not start please read me.

Minimum Spanning Tree (MST) based Pyramid Segmentation Tool

This tool allows to build a stack of image partitionings. The method uses only local differences in the feature space to come up with a class of segmentations.

  1. Segmentation Graph Hierarchies.
    Yll Haxhimusa and Walter G. Kropatsch.
    In Proceedings of the Joint IAPR International Workshop on Structural and Syntactical and Structural Pattern Recognition and Statistical Pattern Recognition (SSPR & SPR) 18-20 August 2004, pages 343-351. Springer-Verlag. [paper]

  2. Evaluating Hierarchical Graph-based Segmentation.
    Y. Haxhimusa, A. Ion and W. G. Kropatsch. In Proceeding of the 18th International Conference on Pattern Recognition, 2:195--198 August 2006, Hong Kong.

Tool to work with
  • Binaries for Windows and Linux (Ver 0.9.).
  • In the survey done by Marfil et al in Bounded Irregular Pyramid: A New Structure for Color Image Segmentation in Pattern Recognition (37):3 1430--1451, 2006, the MST based Pyramid Segmetation Method produces very good results and is the best irregular pyramid method in regard with the height of the pyramid, for which property this method is solely designed.
Contact Dr. Adrian Ion.

Tool for Building Hiearchy of Partitions

This tool allows to build up a hierarchy of image partitions by dual graph contraction. The graph pyramid consists of a stack of levels (pair of graphs), each of which represent a possible paritioning of the input image. The paritions are coarsed (i.e. a new level in the pyramid is build) if the external contrast differnce is greater than the internal contrast differnce, i.e. the border between two components exist. For more take a look at the references.

  1. Hiearchical Image Partitioning with Dual Graph Contraction.
    Yll Haxhimusa and Walter G. Kropatsch. PRIP-TR-081, PRIP, TU Wien [paper].

  2. Image Partitioning with Graph Pyramids. Yll Haxhimusa and Walter G. Kropatsch. In DAGM03 Proceedings, September 2003 [paper].

Tool to work with
  • Hierarchy of partitions source files (Ver.0.9).
  • Brief instructions [paper].

Dual Graph Contraction Tool (DGC)

This tool allows to build up irregular graph pyramids by dual graph contraction. The graph pyramid consists of a stack of levels (pair of graphs), each of which has a primal level and its dual. Every successive level is a reduced version of the level below. Primal level and its dual represent a primal graph and its dual, respectively. The primal graph base level of the pyramid may represent a two dimensional image. For more take a look at the references.

  1. Building Irregular Pyramids by Dual Graph Contraction.
    Walter G. Kropatsch. PRIP-TR-035, PRIP, TU Wien. [paper].

  2. Building Irregular Pyramids by Dual Graph Contraction.
    Walter G. Kropatsch. IEE-Proc. Vision, Image and Signal Processing, Volume 142, Nr. 6, pp. 366--374, 1995.

Tool to work with
  • dgc_tool source files (Ver.0.9).
  • dgc_tool version 1.0 brief instructions [paper].
  • dgc_tool version 1.0: Building Irregular Graph Pyramid Using Dual Graph Contraction. Maamar Saib and Yll Haxhimusa and Roland Glantz. Technical Report PRIP-TR-69, March 2002 [paper].
  • Bug fixed, date 26-09-2002. Thanks to Roland Glantz.
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