Pattern Recognition and
Image Processing Group
Institute of Visual Computing and Human-Centered Technology
Former (1990-2021)
TU Wien Informatics

183.111 VU Ausgewählte Kapitel der Mustererkennung / Selected Chapters in Pattern Recognition

WS 2020/21

For schedule, links, papers & exams see and register in TISS Slides, Details

Covit-19 format with Inverted Classroom Mode

Each participant takes one of the following roles once:
  • speaker: reading, preparing slides, and writing summary
  • opponent: critical study of related papers, preparing slides
  • reporting: reporting the essence of the discussion.
The final script collects all written summaries and discussion reports.
Contact: Mail: webmaster(at) | Tel: +43.1.58801.193301 | Fax : no longer available
2014-2020 PRIP, Impressum / Datenschutzerklärung
This page is maintained by Webmaster ( webmaster(at) ) and was last modified on 08. September 2020 09:34